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An Baróc

 - 16th & 17th century music from Catalonia, Ireland and Spain led by Eamon Sweeney & friends – Featuring music from Luys de Narvaéz , Turlough O'Carolan, José Elias, and Traditional Catalan & Irish music.


SAT 26 OCT – 12.30h

Casino Prado (level ), C/Francesc Gumà, 6­



The turning of the 17th century was a momentous time in Irish cultural history and also throughout Europe. Conflict between the great powers created much upheaval in the territories caught in between. This was experienced in Ireland and Catalonia. Art still flowered throughout this period however and much cultural interchange took place. This concert will highlight similarities and differences in 16th & 17th century music from Catalonia, Ireland, and Spain. Performed on Baroque Guitar, Uilleann Pipes, Whistle, Harp, Percussion and Gralla.

Event Duration 1 hr - 1 hr 15mins.

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